Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Globalization and Exploitation in Post-Colonial Nations

Danny Boyle’s movie “Slumdog Millionaire” is a contemporary example of the problems of exporting Western ideas through globalization. When the West first came in contact with the East it had disastrous effects for the inhabitants and their cultures. Africa and Asia were divided and conquered by invading European, and later American, colonizers. The first wave of globalization brought along with it slavery, disease, disregard for human life and culture, and a sense of superiority that many people around the world are now rebelling against in the hopes of gaining some national self-esteem. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries globalization has an entirely different connotation. Technologies such as the internet, medicines, a global trade and economic system, and the proliferation of the English language and Western ideas has brought people together in positive ways that have never previously existed. However, this modern globalization does not have positive results for everyone. Very often the gap between the rich and the poor are larger than in America. Social inequities, such as labor diversification and the treatment of women fall to the wayside in favor of the productivity of international relations. Citizens in Western countries are struggling to find jobs as more and more manufacturing jobs and call center jobs are being out-sourced. And Western values are being challenged by immigrants who bring their cultural and traditional practices, such as Sharia Law and female circumcision to their new homes in America and Europe. “Slumdog Millionaire” and Simon Gikandi’s article “Globalization and the Claims of Postcoloniality” explore the cultural and social exploitation that still occur due to the radical difference between people living their traditional lives and those who have been “globalized” in countries like India.


  1. Thesis should start with Social inequities and move the cultural and social exploitation that still occur due to the radical difference between people living their traditional lives and those who have been “globalized” in countries like India to the top of the paper right before you explanation of 20th and 21st century globalizations. Fix the run-onsentence starting with technologies.

  2. Your thesis is strong and the rest of this intro show you have a clear idea of what you're addressing in your paper, but make sure to prove your points adequately. I'm especially encouraging you to make sure that you prove the difference between previous conditions and those caused by modern globalization. You specifically sited the gap between the rich and poor, and the treatment of women falling to the wayside - but make sure you have adequate support. Honestly, I think that you especially need to prove it in regards to the treatment of women, since there's a lot of compelling evidence that this has been going on long before cultures began to mingle extensively.
